a) Honorary Members will be elected by the general body from among its distinguished members and from surgeons, physicians and specialists in other allied disciplines all over India and abroad who have made outstanding contribution to the progress of orthopedic surgery.
b) Life Members, Members of the Association may elect from those:
Who have completed an acceptable training in orthopaedic Surgery
Who are engaged in practice of orthopaedic Surgery and
Those doctors who are engaged in practice of allied subjects closely related to orthopaedic Surgery e.g.: Rheumatologist.
Application | Candidate has to fill in the Application form online or offline. |
Minimum Contribution | 2,000 Rupees |
Subscription Fees | 1,000 Rupees |
Membership fee for OASIS (orthopaedic Association of South Indian States) | 100 Rupees The amount so paid once will be sent to the General Secretary of OASIS for enrolment of Life Member of OASIS through the Secretary of OSSAP. |
Eligibility | The Life Members are eligible to attend the business meetings, scientific meetings, social events, can take part in the election and can be elected for executive committee of the OSSAP. |
Application Process | The application for life member ship will be made to the secretary who will place it before the executive committee for scrutiny and acceptance. |
c) Associate Members, members may elect from those who are getting training in orthopaedic Surgery either degree/diploma/DNB. Associate members may be elected from those who are qualified as Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Biomedical Engineer, and other Para Medical personnel of at least five years of standing in their respective profession and interested in the rehabilitation of the orthopaedic patients.
Application | Candidate has to fill in the Application form online or offline. |
Subscription fees | 500 Rupees |
Membership fee for OASIS (orthopaedic Association of South Indian States) | 100 Rupees The amount so paid once will be sent to the General Secretary of OASIS for enrolment of Life Member of OASIS through the Secretary of OSSAP. |
Eligibility | All Associate members shall have the right to attend the scientific meetings social events and engaged in all scientific discussions. Note: Associate members shall not attend the business meeting and they cannot take part in election. They can neither compete for the executive posts nor can vote. |
Application Process | The application for life member ship will be made to the secretary who will place it before the executive committee for scrutiny and acceptance. |
Have | Have to complete their qualifying degree (Master of surgery in orthopaedic), Diploma in national board of Examination (DNB in orthopaedic) Or Diploma in orthopaedic and Have to complete three years as associate member and Have to pay 500 rupees and apply for the Life membership. |
Application for the life membership and associate membership can be filled online in the OSSAP website or applicant can download the application form and mail to OSSAP (see details)
NotesAny change in the membership scales of fee or qualification of membership shall be determined from time to time by the executive committee and approved by a simple majority at a business meeting.
Honorary Members, life members and Associate members may be invited to make a periodical or annual contribution to any of the existing funds and trusts and other special activities of the association.
All persons attending the scientific meeting may be required to pay a registration fee should that be considered necessary, if and when considered necessary, for the enhancement of contribution for the life membership.
Cessation of MembershipOn Resignation: Any member wishing to with draw his life membership from the Association shall give notice in writing to the Secretary not less than three months before the end of the financial year.
On the death of the member or dissolution of the association.
On the adjudication as an insolvent.
On being declared as insane by court or a mental hospital
On the recommendation of sub committee consisting of five personal appointed by the executive committee to enquire in to the activities of the member and finds that the actions are against the interest of the association and the committee recommends that the continuation of such member is detrimental to the interest of the association.
A member who deceives the association in any way or drives the association to the court shall for that reason be expelled from the membership.
The communication to the member from the OSSAP will be stoppedIf the member does not attend the annual general body meetings for 3 consecutive years or the scientific meetings.
If he has any arrears to the association.
If the member does not communicate with the parent organisation about his address at least once in 3 years.
Repeated return of mail from untraced members. The addresses of such members shall be deleted after 3-4 consecutive returns of mail as “untraced” mentioned against their names in mailing list. However, the communication will be immediately restored if he/ she represent the executive committee by a written request or by email.