The idea of forming a state chapter of orthopaedic Association was mooted by Dr. C.Vyaghreswarudu and his colleagues. With the encouragement of Dr. B. Mukhopadhyaya the then president of I.O.A with the cooperation of all the orthopaedic surgeons of the state Dr.Vyaghreswarudu was elemental in forming The Andhra Pradesh Chapter of Indian orthopaedic Association in the year 1968.
The first conference of the chapter was held at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam on 31st January, 1968 and 1st February, 1968 Dr. C. Vyaghreswarudu was unanimously elected as President of the chapter during that conference. Second state chapter conference was also held at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam on 11th & 12th October 1969.
A Gold Medal for the Best Paper presented during the conference was instituted in the name of Dr. Vyaghreswarudu by his former students and the first recipient of the award was Dr. Ali Mohsin from Hyderabad in 1972 The first Souvenir of the conference was brought during the 5th Annual Conference held at Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada by Dr. T. Durga Prasad the then Organising Secretary.
The 16th National Conference of I.O.A was held at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam in the year 1971. The state chapter has no separate meeting was clubbed with National Conference in that year. The surplus funds raised from the conference were kept in a fixed deposit and it was decided to utilize the interest for instituting an oration in the name A.P. Chapter. The first oration was delivered by Dr. K.N. Udupa, the Dean of institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 1975. The honorarium to the orator was Rs. 1,000/- in 1975 which was enhanced to Rs. 1,500/- in 1981 during the 13th Annual Conference held at Hyderabad. Later the same was renamed as Dr. Vyaghreswarudu memorial oration.
A preliminary constitution of A.P. Chapter IOA was framed and the draft was presented by the then Secretary, Dr. G. Vijaya Raghavan at the regional orthopaedic Conference (6th combined conference of Andhra & Tamilnadu) in 1974 at Tirupathi the draft duly amended in the General Body Meeting at Tirupathi and was finally accepted in general body meeting held at Kurnool Medical College during the 7th conference in 1975.